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Portfolio Settings

At the top of the settings page you can select your region from the drop-down list to define the language of your portfolio website and the output format for numbers, dates and time. If we have a translation for the selected language, it will be applied. If there is no translation, you can easily translate your portfolio using the Visual Editing feature.

If you have a Google Analytics account, you can use it to analyze important metrics of your portfolio website like visits, pageviews, traffic, and more. First you should create a new website profile under your Google Analytics account. Then you should find the Web Property ID which should be included in the tracking code. Copy this ID value and paste it into the settings page.

Also you can add some additional meta tags to the home page of your portfolio. These meta tags are necessary when you need to verify your website in Google, Yahoo, Bing or any other services that require a verification by meta tag.

Visual Editing

Visual Editing is a cool feature that will help you to change text headers, links, labels, buttons, and other text fragments that appear on your portfolio pages. Use the Visual Editing feature to translate the portfolio into any language or just change text to whatever you like more.

Using the feature is easy. Open the settings page and click the button to turn Visual Editing on, then open your portfolio. Please note that you should always use address even if you use your own domain. Now move mouse cursor over the text you want to change. If the fragment can be modified, you'll see the yellow tooltip. Click it and make your changes to the text. If you need to reset to default value, delete the text and submit empty value. Don't forget to go back to the settings page and turn Visual Editing off when you're done.

Custom Domain

Instead of you can use your own domain. Before you can add your domain in the portfolio settings, you must point it to Portfoliopen's servers. You can do this by updating DNS records of your domain at the registrar website. Make sure the domain is delegated and remove any existing CNAME and A records. Then create a new CNAME record with the values provided on the settings page.

Please note that you should wait a while after changing your DNS. It may take up to 48 hours before DNS records will be updated. Once the records are updated and your domain is properly pointing to Portfoliopen, you can go back to the settings page and enter there your domain name. You should know that not every registrar allows you to modify your DNS settings. If you cannot locate these settings, please contact your domain registrar for help.

Meta Tag Templates

Meta tags provide search engines with the important information about your website pages. Although meta tags are not that much important as they were before, it is still considered best practice to fill them with the relevant information. The content of your portfolio pages is much more significant, so you should not rely on meta tags alone to get your website higher in Google, Yahoo and Bing.

However, you can change the following meta tags for your website pages: title tag, description tag and keywords tag. Please note that incorrectly implemented meta tags may negatively affect your search engine ranking, so if you are not an expert in search optimization you better leave the default settings untouched.